rysningar. efter att ha läst alla böckerna på både svenska och engelska tusentals gånger kan jag ju erkänna att böckerna klassar ut filmerna, trotts att filmerna är så sjukt bra!(OM man har läst böckerna så man förstår MYCKET MYCKET MER. ) gah. why beeing a love with a story ?!
förbjuden kärlek. ehehe .. ALLTSÅ, ja sitter till och med o läser femman ?! sjukt bra,men den handlar om dom nyfödda ?! lääääängtar till edward o bella kommer in i boken buhu..
edward cullen: You can't trust vampires... Trust me.
edward:You promised you wouldn't do anything stupid or reckless.
bella:You promised it would be as if you never existed. You lied.
bella:I'm coming with you!
edward:Bella, I don't want you to come with me.
bella:You... You don't want me?
edward:No. ;pPPPpppPpP
bella: Well, that changes things. A lot.
jacob:Bella, you're crossing a line.
bella:Then don't draw one.
jacob:Have you ever has a secret? One that wasn't yours to tell? well that's what it's like for me, only worse, you have no idea how tight I'm bound.
bella:What happened with Jasper was nothing.
edward:Nothing compared to what could've happened. I promise never to put you through anything like this ever again. This is the last time you'll ever see me.
Bella: [to Jacob] Please don't make me choose. Because it will be him, everytime. It's always been him.
förbjuden kärlek. ehehe .. ALLTSÅ, ja sitter till och med o läser femman ?! sjukt bra,men den handlar om dom nyfödda ?! lääääängtar till edward o bella kommer in i boken buhu..
edward cullen: You can't trust vampires... Trust me.
edward:You promised you wouldn't do anything stupid or reckless.
bella:You promised it would be as if you never existed. You lied.
bella:I'm coming with you!
edward:Bella, I don't want you to come with me.
bella:You... You don't want me?
edward:No. ;pPPPpppPpP
bella: Well, that changes things. A lot.
jacob:Bella, you're crossing a line.
bella:Then don't draw one.
jacob:Have you ever has a secret? One that wasn't yours to tell? well that's what it's like for me, only worse, you have no idea how tight I'm bound.
bella:What happened with Jasper was nothing.
edward:Nothing compared to what could've happened. I promise never to put you through anything like this ever again. This is the last time you'll ever see me.
Bella: [to Jacob] Please don't make me choose. Because it will be him, everytime. It's always been him.
Postat av: belvis
HAHAHAHA jacob är en sån katt egentligen! klockrena repliker faktiskt :D HAHAHa
Postat av: eemmaaj
twilight är bäst
Postat av: Charlieeeee
Du är mitt personliga heroin, bara så du vet kram billy burke